Humanity now stands at a precipice, teetering between profound transformation and utter cataclysm. At this critical moment, our aim is to challenge the status quo and inspire a collective awakening through streetwear, art, and community.
Launched as a pioneering streetwear brand with its roots in the UK's 80s BMX and skate scene, Anarchic elevated its counter-culture mission through the early 90s consciousness RAVE scene and the emerging Japanese urban zeitgeist.
Anarchic Adjustment is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit. When you donate at a specified level, you’ll receive the limited-edition item of your choice. Your support helps reclaim counterculture while empowering artists, DJs, and musicians. In the U.S., 60% of your donation is tax-deductible
現在、Anarchic Adjustmentは501(c)(3)非営利団体となりました。特定のレベルで寄付をすると、お選びいただいた限定アイテムを受け取ることができます。あなたの支援は、カウンターカルチャーを取り戻しながら、アーティスト、DJ、ミュージシャンを支援することにつながります。アメリカ国内では、寄付金の60%が税控除の対象となります。